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A State of Bliss regularly runs workshops & retreats throughout the year, both on and off-site.
Visit our Facebook events page for current information.

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Private Yoga

Sherri teaches yoga as medicine as opposed to a competitive pursuit. The term ‘yoga’ actually means ‘union’ and it is intended to reunite YOU back with your body, back with your breath, back with your emotions and back with your spirit.


What feels out of balance will become aware to you through this process and allow you the opportunity to let it go. The innate wisdom of the body will begin the restoration process once we become aware and willing.


Consider receiving private yoga sessions in the comfort of your own home. One on one yoga sessions will allow you to mindfully build your practice at perhaps a more advanced level of awareness. Emphasis will be on correct alignment, healthy movement and breath work to maximize the benefits of the postures. Classes will be prepared according to your strengths and needs.


Single session – $75

Multiple class package $50 per session.


Must have own mat and quiet space to practice.

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Discover influences that affect your peace of mind and meditative practice. Learn the benefits of meditation and the power of the mind. Join us as we explore various techniques for meditating, influences that disrupt your practice and find something that works for YOU. 


This evening fills up fast so it is imperative to preregister for the event.


Details are posted on our Facebook page including cost and location.

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Shamanic Journey Nights

Come and explore a powerful but safe and ancient practice of discovering your power animal and spirit allies. We gently and comfortably gather together and are guided through a journey to reveal a wisdom within that awaits. Circle sharing to follow.


Please bring blanket and journal and a scarf for your eyes to block the light.

Ongoing Events

Signature Workshops

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Organic Beauty

Join us in this ancient practice of natural skin care and organic beauty training! These workshops are designed to reveal the properties of the skin and its requirements for radiant health, specific techniques to activate the release of tension which creates fine lines and wrinkles and how to feed the skin with nutrient rich product. A daily skin routine will be revealed that is inexpensive, restorative and effective for long term beauty and radiance. Products that we find in our spice cabinet or cupboards can be used to create powerful anti-inflammatory, tonifying, nourishing and nutrient dense cleansers and moisturizers. Ayurvedic courses and practices will be available throughout the year, take your health and radiance into your own hands with this ancient wisdom.


This day long workshop includes Indian Head Massage, Marma Therapy and Dinacharya (daily hygiene) to create a manageable and luxurious daily or weekly home care package for the most beautiful you. 


All products and manuals are included in this exciting event….you don’t want to miss this!

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Join us and discover the potency of adopting a meditation practice, which includes breathing techniques and a deeper understanding it’s impact on the physiology of the body with meditation. It is in the understanding that the discipline strengthens in creating the time and space for this practice, and in the experience that the practice strengthens.


This day long workshop brings you an abundance of options to best suit your schedule in adaptation to this ancient practice as well as many lineages of craft and approach to give yourself the most expansive of understandings being taught.  


Winter date for this teaching to be announced at a later date.

A State of Bliss | Website - Experiences

The Chakras

Expansive and experiential teachings that explore the power within our bodies and how to connect and enhance function through thought, breathing, movement, sound, colour and so much more. This workshop has been developed and expanded upon and will leave you feeling deeply informed and empowered. Lunch is included in this event as part of the awareness of the teachings.

All programs will be updated on Facebook as to the current dates offered. Stay tuned!



Gateway Retreat

Gateways are naturally occurring areas on the earth, often marked with significant structures or mounds such at the Mayan Ruins, the Pyramids or Stonehenge. We also have more accessible gateways within our own environment, and it is in this discovery that we can access that which the ancients knew and practiced for 1000’s of years. We also have the most profound gateway within ourselves. But what are they truly for?


Imagine the possibilities as you learn to heal yourself from the past, imagine creating the dreams and desires you so deeply long for, imagine healing your body and your spirit with guidance from your Spirit allies. This is yours to reclaim, it is only in saying YES that we can receive.


Free yourself of the demands, obligations, responsibilities and social expectations, chores and rules, and allow yourself to dip into this immensely transformative and experiential weekend in a remote location in nature. It is only in the quiet that we can begin to see our potentials and establish a powerhouse of allies to support you in moving towards your greatest self. This is not an event to be missed!


You are invited to join us in this intimate yet expansive discovery of the magic and power within and beyond us. We have become entrenched in programming and expectations that hold us back from becoming our own unique, authentic and beautiful beings.


This retreat is a joyful exploration of ourselves, and of our potentials well beyond our wildest dreams. Understanding this is key, then experiencing it becomes our greatest support system in walking forward. Restore balance back to your life, our planet and within your community through the wisdom and experience this immersion provides.


We gather at a beautiful location in the country with charming accommodations for private or semi-private rooms, 40 acres of forested land to explore and the calming rhythms of nature to hold us. The design is to let you taste a huge piece of yourself that may feel buried or lost, to experience a joyful and expressive manifestation of the true you and anchoring those vibrations to bring forward into your life. Embrace that which is yours – the time is now.


Liberate yourself with this immersion, and experience the peace, purpose, joy and abundance that is yours to claim.

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Create Your Own Customized Retreat or Getaway!

It is within the quietest moments of life that the greatest changes occur… Build your own retreat for a deeply transformative experience.


Set up beautiful accommodations at one of our local Bed and Breakfast or Air BnB in Port Stanley and arrange for a package of treatments or therapies with A State of Bliss to best facilitate the changes you are seeking.  


Consider 3 to 5 daily Ayurvedic massages to better assist you in cleansing, detoxifying the body, and customize your diet to assist in removing stagnation from the body and nourishing the tissues for optimal health. Inflammation of the tissues is the cornerstone of needs to address with healing and this is a nourishing way to remove the excess buildup and aggravation of tissues.


Create your own complete package of nurturance! Customized and private yoga classes/therapy, massages, organic facials, reflexology or energy work….consult with us to create a personalized package for the changes you seek and we will be here to assist you.


For accommodations check out or many others that will best suit your experience you are seeking.


Contact us today to arrange your dates and package and prepare to fall in love with the experience of well-being!

Magnified Grass

"I reached out to Sherri with an idea of what I wanted for a solo mini retreat that I was planning for myself. What she customized for me was exactly what my body and mind needed. My Truth has always been “Keep moving, keep moving!” I am a woman on the go…that’s what I’ve been taught and that’s what been doing my whole adult life. In 4 days I became “woke” on a yoga mat, on the beach meditating and on a treatment table with Sherri’s guidance. I listened to my thoughts, my body, and the nature around me and learned to be still (without guilt). I brought my new Truths home and back work with me:  Breathe, Listen and Let things happen. I’m already thinking about when I can plan more me time and what I’ll learn.

Thank you Sherri…for your wisdom, your insight and your encouragement on my journey." - C.F.

Abstract Texture

Give yourself permission to ‘let go’ and celebrate your authentic self! Often what we most fear is the very thing that sets us free.

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A State of Bliss in Port Stanley, Ontario offers a comprehensive list of services including:
Ayurveda Massage, Retreats, Mindfulness, Meditation, Shamanic Rituals, Grief Rituals, Elemental Rituals, Ecstatic Dance, Chakras, Reiki, Reflexology,
Private Retreats, Spiritual Counselling, Organic Facials, Yoga. We serve clients living in the surrounding areas of St. Thomas, London, Aylmer, and environs.

© 2020 A State of Bliss. All rights reserved.

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